Holiday Spirit

Administrative Assistant Kristen Peterson is already in the holiday spirit!

Elf on the Loose: Rapty’s First Stop

This year, ACL is kicking off the holiday season with Elf on the Shelf—courtesy of our resident elf, Rapty! Rapty made his first appearance on Monday, November 28th, right outside the CNA room in 2218….

Why hath mankind so judgemental?

Why, I ask WHY, hath mankind so judgemental, To expect the man with the stutter, The women with the limp, The child with the scar To be less perfect than the best speech giver, Fastest…

Meet Ms. Steinbronn

Ms. Leah Steinbronn, both a wonderful physics teacher and a wonderful person to talk to, joined us here at the Academies of Loudoun toward the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Ms. Steinbronn has brought…

Eukarya Elections: Cell Wall Wins Presidency

November 10th: AOS AP Bio students hold elections to choose their new president and vice president for office in Eukarya. Newly elected President Cell Wall, represented by Shruthika Sundar, and Vice President Cell-to-Cell Connection, represented…

Sad Movies

In the pitch-black darkness of a room, Basking in the blue glow from a tv, I watch with the people around me Another (supposedly) sad movie.   When I was young and saw them die,…

Some Like It Hot: AOS AP Bio Lab

November 18th: In AP Bio, AOS students in Mrs. Wright’s class complete a lab testing the antimicrobial properties of different spices against different bacteria. Photographed below are students Saanvi Gutta and Surabhi Bangarbale.   photographed…

The Earth Ate the Moon

The earth ate the moon And it disappeared from the sky. The sun bled onto the clouds And the birds woke up to cry.   The wind spoke quietly Against the dancing leaves. The wolves…

AOS APES Students Visit Union Cemetery

On November 8th, Mr. Allshouse’s AOS AP Environmental Science class visited the Union Cemetery in Leesburg. As a part of their Human Population unit, the class collected data on the birth and death dates of…

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