Holiday Spirit

Administrative Assistant Kristen Peterson is already in the holiday spirit!

Eukarya Elections: Cell Wall Wins Presidency

November 10th: AOS AP Bio students hold elections to choose their new president and vice president for office in Eukarya. Newly elected President Cell Wall, represented by Shruthika Sundar, and Vice President Cell-to-Cell Connection, represented…

Some Like It Hot: AOS AP Bio Lab

November 18th: In AP Bio, AOS students in Mrs. Wright’s class complete a lab testing the antimicrobial properties of different spices against different bacteria. Photographed below are students Saanvi Gutta and Surabhi Bangarbale.   photographed…

Dress the Disease or Syndrome

November 4th: MATA Certified Nurse Aide students were asked to dress as a disease or syndrome and then present a short description of it to the class. Above: Cat Scratch Fever, Mono, and Swine Flu…

Down the Bus Loop

October 28th: As usual, buses are lined along the bus loop in the afternoon, waiting for students to board them to be taken back to their base schools. The summer bee-like appearance of the buses…

Cow Eye Dissection

TW: Animal Dissection October 28th: AOS Biology students dissected cow eyes as a part of their unit about lenses and microscopes. They were joined by students from MATA Veterinary Science classes.        …

Radiology Field Trip

October 25th: The Radiology team at INOVA Loudoun taught our ACL MATA Radiology I students about nuclear medicine, ultrasound, MRI, CT, and XRAY. provided by Ms. Roberts

2022 AOS White Coat Ceremony

October 18th: The annual White Coat Ceremony was held for AOS freshmen. Superintendent Ziegler was a special guest speaker at the event.  photographed by Laura Cruz captioned by Sarasi Rout

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