Inside an AOS Biology Classroom

March 25th: AOS juniors prepare wet-mount slides of Elodea leaves and view them under microscopes in their biology classes (as part of their photosynthesis unit). photographed by Tryphena Pilli

What’s Up in Mrs. Herrmann’s Class?

Students in Mrs. Herrmann’s room hunt for ancient Greek letters still used in math before class!   provided by Mrs. Herrmann students photographed: Grace Martinez-Cora, Arjun Iyer, and Saanvi Gutta (left to right)

ACL Board Games!

By Jivom Sharavanah   Board games are more than just fun to play! Playing board games have many benefits for all people. A simple board game can activate survival genes in your brain, making the…

Happy Halloween!

Halloween here at the Academies! Entries from our pumpkin painting contest!!!  

AOS and HCI Students Tour D.C.

Academy of Science and Hwa Chong Institution (Singapore) students are having a great time touring the natural history museum and seeing downtown D.C.

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