Someone to Rely on

I stand hunched over, gripping the sink with both of my hands. The restroom is littered with puddles of water, and soggy paper towel scraps dot my periphery. Amidst the chamber’s foul aroma, I breathe…

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A New Variable

You were no tangent touching my heart, You were a chord that pierced it through, There’s another variable in this equation, And its letter starts with U,   My monitor un-flatlines when you’re around, It…


The one who came suddenly and left just as fast. I thought I’d see you in the future, but you remained in the past.   The day we met, that day we played Hopscotch in…

The Haiku

I can’t write poems. Haikus are the exception. They’re easy to make.   written by Manusri Vemulapalli reviewed by Saanvi Gutta


“I am jealous of everything whose beauty does not die. I am jealous of the portrait you have painted of me. Why should it keep what I must lose? Every moment that passes takes something…

To Have an Eraser

Sometimes I wish I had an eraser to wipe away the mistakes of my past. From the moment I wake to the fall of the night, each regret will everlast. I should have said something…

Why hath mankind so judgemental?

Why, I ask WHY, hath mankind so judgemental, To expect the man with the stutter, The women with the limp, The child with the scar To be less perfect than the best speech giver, Fastest…

Sad Movies

In the pitch-black darkness of a room, Basking in the blue glow from a tv, I watch with the people around me Another (supposedly) sad movie.   When I was young and saw them die,…

The Earth Ate the Moon

The earth ate the moon And it disappeared from the sky. The sun bled onto the clouds And the birds woke up to cry.   The wind spoke quietly Against the dancing leaves. The wolves…

change is the only constant

you were the heart i nurtured the eternal voice that eased my thoughts the crutch that grew to be a part of me but when you parted with me that night (for an ordinary chrysalis)…

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