‘Bee’-tirement Homes

  Bees are, arguably, the hardest workers in our ecosystem. They fulfill the important job of pollination, which allows for the reproduction of crops. A single bee can pollinate over 2,000 plants in a single…

Fall Plant Sale at ACL!

Fall Plant Sale   September 19-21: The Academies of Loudoun is holding their annual Fall Plant Sale! Along with students and staff, members of the community were encouraged to come buy some of the plants…

Cow Lungs and Trachea

TW: Animal Dissection On January 13th, AOS AP Biology teacher Mrs. Wright brings a cow’s lungs and trachea from Gore’s Meat processing for AOS and MATA classes to interact with. Students watched with excitement as…

Crochet for Comfort Club

January 6th: ACL Crochet for Comfort Club meets! The club was started by one of our HMS students. provided by Tvisha Karthik

Genius Gizmos

The Academies Online, ACL’s official online school newspaper, is holding another contest! Respond to the prompt,, “What innovation from the 20th century or later has inspired you and why?” for a chance to win monetary…

So We’re Not All on the Same Wavelength?

What’s your favorite color? You’ve probably heard that question more than enough times. Favorite colors are a common ice breaker no matter what the setting, but they’re always changing. This could be, simply, because the…

Germany Exchange Students Visit ACL

From November 14th to 18th, students from Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium, located in Germany, were able to go to school with select junior students from all three pathways. Alongside going to ACL, all the students were able to…

ACL Hour of Code

December 7th: Elementary and middle school students from across the county were able to come visit the Academies today and engage in the world of technology. RoboLoco, Vex Robotics, Girls Who Code, and Machine Learning…

ACL’s Holiday Plant Sale

November 30th – December 2nd: The Academies held their annual holiday plant sale this week! Among the plants sold were poinsettias (pictured above), cacti, amaryllis, pine trees, and a number of floral holiday arrangements.  …

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