HOSA Nationals!

This past summer, 17 students in MATA’s Health and Medical Sciences program traveled to Houston, Texas to compete in HOSA’s  International Leadership Conference (ILC). HOSA is an organization for future health professionals. To qualify for…

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ACL Graduation!

The Academies of Loudoun celebrated their 787 graduating seniors on Thursday, May 30, at Eagle Bank Arena at George Mason University. Students, wearing gowns and sashes from their home schools, applauded as Academies of Loudoun…

Odyssey of the Nerds

All roads lead to Rome, I guess. How else would a sixteen-year-old farm girl turned scientist find herself gawking up at the dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica and geeking out over the ruins of the…

Entrepreneurship MVP Pitch

Every February, Sophomores in Entrepreneurship II prepare to give a pitch to a board of local entrepreneurs and their peers. Their goal? Pitch their Minimum Viable Product and try to secure $200 of funding to…

So We’re Not All on the Same Wavelength?

What’s your favorite color? You’ve probably heard that question more than enough times. Favorite colors are a common ice breaker no matter what the setting, but they’re always changing. This could be, simply, because the…

Why Do We Love Coffee?

Coffee: it’s a magical drink that is almost universally adored. Three in every four Americans enjoy a cup of coffee as part of their daily morning routine. Almost half of Americans drink 3-5 cups of…

Barnyards and Beakers

Let me preface this by saying yes, I was the one in the river. Macroinvertebrate biodiversity—it’s a mouthful, sure, but it’s what the Loudoun Academy of Science Class of 2026 found themselves immersed in (some…

Biofuels: Worse for the Environment?

It is an established fact that our reliance on fossil fuels is destroying the planet, despite our continued usage of them. There is little that can be said in their defense, given their links to…

Kokee Tea Fundraiser!

Join us at Kokee Tea Café for our Spirit Day Fundraiser! Wednesday (10/25) – A DAY Thursday (10/26) – B DAY 7 AM – 9 PM 20% of all sales will be donated** Check out…

Breast Cancer Awareness!

Health Science students put up a massive informational board on Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Stop by the Health Science classroom across from the Research Library on the second floor to see it for yourself! Photographed…

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