Articles by jennifer.hiltner

Age of the Chicken

The age of man.  How will we be remembered?  Sometime in the future, long after we are gone, researchers at the University of Leicester predict our rotisserie chicken bones will be all that is left…

The Curious Case of Percival Wright

It was 10 AM when Dr. Browning watched the cadaver disappear into a metal tube. Ten hours later, she was having dinner with him. “So, what it’s like?” she asked, leaning forward eagerly. “Which part?”…

Weekly Review: January 7-11, 2019

We are now two weeks into the new year after our winter break, and the Academies is moving full steam ahead. On Monday and Tuesday, Telos Corporation CEO John Wood gave presentations on the internships…

Yummy Treats!

Check out the amazing creations by the Culinary Arts Program.  Kudos to these talented students!  (Yours truly can’t even assemble one out of the box!)  

2018 MacArthur Genius Grants

What do a painter, an economist, a pastor, a planetary scientist and a dancer have in common? They are all among the recipients of this year’s 25 “genius grants” awarded by the John D. and…

Be Prepared – More Work is Coming!

You picture yourself holding that shiny acceptance letter to the college of your choice.  You think to yourself – the hard part is now over!  But the harsh reality is, your hard work is only…

Operation Integumentary

Students in Mrs. Fallon’s Veterinary Science class were on a mission to get a present for a new puppy.  In order to open the final box, they first had to solve puzzles, find clues, and…

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