Articles by SRINIDHI

Biofuels: Worse for the Environment?

It is an established fact that our reliance on fossil fuels is destroying the planet, despite our continued usage of them. There is little that can be said in their defense, given their links to…

Cow Eye Dissection

Trigger Warning: If you are uncomfortable with images of organs and/or eyes, please skip this post 🙂 Just in time for Halloween, the AOS AP Biology students dissected a cow eye to learn about the…

Kokee Tea Fundraiser!

Join us at Kokee Tea Café for our Spirit Day Fundraiser! Wednesday (10/25) – A DAY Thursday (10/26) – B DAY 7 AM – 9 PM 20% of all sales will be donated** Check out…

Breast Cancer Awareness!

Health Science students put up a massive informational board on Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Stop by the Health Science classroom across from the Research Library on the second floor to see it for yourself! Photographed…

AP ES Students Save the Earth!

AP Environmental Science students learned more about the nitrogen cycle in this hands-on demo! They planted Orange Sedge grass and learned about its phytoremediation properties. PS: phytoremediation uses plants to clean up the environment  …


We have the technology… for a MAKER-OKE POP-UP! Come Stand By Me, sing a song and LASER engrave some dog tags in the Makerspace after-school this Thursday, September 28th. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Email me your favorite karaoke…

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