Articles by SRINIDHI

Pink Out!

Over 150 ACL students and staff participated in the school’s third annual school-wide pink out event on October 22nd and 23rd in an effort to raise awareness and financial donations for Loudoun Breast Health Network…

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SkillsUSA Day Results!

Congratulations to these students for placing at SkillsUSA! FirstName LastName Contest TeamCode Place   Nicholas Buchanan Sept 30 – Criminal Justice J 6th   Annie Doiron Sept 30 – Criminal Justice J 6th   Arushi…

Jeyamohan – Stories of the True

Jeyamohan is one of India’s finest authors writing today. The Academies of Loudoun is proud to announce that he will be a guest speaker on October 21st, 2024, to address students in a number of…

Fire Day @ ACL

A-Day students probably remember evacuating out of school just before lunch on September 17th. The fire, which began in the welding department, caused two minor injuries and an estimated $1 million dollars in damage. Students…

ACL Fall Plant Sale

The ACL Fall Plant Sale is here! Go down to the Greenhouses to see what plants are available this season, from pansies to mums, cabbage and kale, perennials, trees, and more! Environmental Plant Science and…

AOS White Coat Ceremony

The White Coat Ceremony for the Academy of Science 9th grade students is a celebration of the pursuit of a challenging course of study. This event marks the beginning of these students’ journeys in pursuing…

MATA White Coat Ceremony

The White Coat Ceremony for the MATA health science pathways is very symbolic. It’s a ceremony that new medical students typically participate in at the beginning of medical school. The Ceremony welcomes those embarking on…

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