ACL At Regional TSA Competition!

Virginia TSA (Virginia Technology Student Association) commenced its Regional Competition on
Saturday, February 23. The event was hosted at Park View High School, a heritage school of
Loudoun County. Founded in 1976, the high school is expected to be demolished for a new
school to be built.

The Academies’ TSA club, advised by Engineering teacher Ms. Williams, competed in the
variety of categories offered. AET juniors Samhitha Kolapalli, Durga Ghanta, Neha Muralitharan,
Hasini Kurmala, and Angelia Le-Hoang placed 3rd in their category of Manufacturing
Technology. The team competed with their regenerative photo frame prototype, moving on to

AET seniors Adam Anwar, Ethan Broady, Adam Modigilani won 1st place in their Video
Production Program category. The team presented digital sound samples inspired by the theme
of video game music. The samples included humorous sound effects with doors slamming and
punching lashes. The group will also move on to states.

The Virginia TSA State Competition will be hosted at the Hamptons, Virginia, in May. Best of luck to all who will be competing!

written by Sandra Gad

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