ACL Students Attend DECA ICDC

Our LCPS DECA chapters across the county recently attended the DECA International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida, which hosted 22,000 students and teachers. Several ACL students were in attendance as competitors for their home school’s DECA chapter. This is the CTSO associated with our LCPS marketing and entrepreneurship programs. We are excited to share the ACL students who were recognized with top honors at this major competitive conference. Congratulations to all our amazing students!

Alexandra Wylie, Professional Selling, Top Exam
Arjun Setty, Business Finance Series, Top 10 Overall, Top Role Play, Top Exam
Claire Howard, Principles of Marketing, Top Exam
Raga Gourineni, Principles of Business Management, Top Role Play
Rishi Chawla, School-based Enterprise Retail, Top 10 Overall
Deeya Sharma, School-based Enterprise Retail, Top 10 Overall

Aryaa Agarwal, Project Management Career Development, 1st Place
Eshan Mathur, School-based Enterprise Retail, Top 10 Overall
Ishaan Verma, Hotel Lodging Management, Top Role Play
Rohan Misra, Southern Region Vice President Candidate, Runner-up

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