January 2021

The Mandela Effect

Quick- does Curious George have a tail?  If you answered yes, then you may have just fallen victim to the Mandela Effect. The Mandela Effect occurs when a large group of people mistakenly believe something…

What if We Hibernated?

When summer takes a vacation and autumn and winter come by and visit, I bring out all five of my thick, fuzzy blankets to keep warm. Although I love winter, it’s freezing at night. On…

Nobel Prize in Chemistry Goes to CRISPR/Cas9

Two scientists, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, won the Nobel Prize for innovating a new technology for genome editing. For the first time, the tool allows scientists to make accurate changes to the DNA strands…

The Logic Behind Coincidences

A few years ago, my teacher planned a game of Jeopardy for my class. “I’ll choose a number between 1 and 100,” she explained, “and whichever group picks the number closest to mine will go…

A Year for Reading

If I were to stack all the things that did not go my way during 2020, I’d be buried under an avalanche of unmet expectations, hopes, and goals. However, amongst all the things that went…

That Time of the Year

  The air is cooler. The winds grow sharp. When afternoon comes, The sky grows dark.   The rodents fall asleep When the birds fly away. The fire seems warmer With each passing day.  …

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