What’s the Word?

What’s the word?

For when the floating lightbulb

Glows above your head?

When you revitalize into life,

From the struggles you’ve faced being dead?

When you’ve figured it all out?

A golden, victorious moment,

And the excitement to just shout.

It makes you feel warm and proud,

And clears your vision like a sky,

Colors revealed by an unknown shroud,

That you never realized covered your eyes.

It melts away your panic, your fear,

All you anxieties just … disappear.

The name of it, I can’t recall …


I’ve got it.


written by Saanvi Gutta


Image Source:

(n.d.). [Thinking] [Graphic]. The IllumiLab. https://www.insightsintoimpact.com/evaluative-thinking-the-heart-of-meaningful-useful-evaluation/

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