Book Review/Reflection


Realistic fiction/342 pages/ Published 2004

Image result for cherub the recruit

This realistic fiction book by Robert Muchamore is a great read. In this book a ten year-old James Choke is chosen by a secret organization that recruits kids as spys. This book shows James’ journey through his first year and mission as a CHERUB spy. His mission is to stop a environmental terrorist group that plans to kill all of the oil magnets at once.

I loved this book and would recommend it to you. I would rate this book five out of five stars for its suspense and adventure.–January 2, 2019


Book Club Meeting 3 CHERUB


Author: Robert Muchamore

Members: Altaf, Parth, Shrinav, Kanussh

In our third meeting we had many good discussions and many highlights. One of our highlights was that everybody contributed to the discussion.One of the questions I had was how CHERUB recruited its members. Although it states in the book that there are such things as recruitment missions, those are usually used for punishments. Since CHERUB can’t punish all of its members I was wondering how CHERUB would recruit its members. I think it might they might use M15 to watch and recruit certain members. Another question I had was where was James’ and Kerry’s relationship going to go. My group thinks that it  will not go anywhere since they are just middle school children.  Another question one of my group members asked was why Bruce, James’ friend at CHERUB, decide to attack Greg Jennings instead of talking to him. I thought that since Bruce liked violence that’s why he  might have attacked Greg Jennings. One of my group members thought it was because Bruce was protecting James since James has no fighting experience.


Book Club Meeting 2

Book: Cherub

Author:  Robert Muchamore

Members: Parth, Shrinav, Kanussh, Altaf

This book is about an agency that goes by the name of CHERUB. CHERUB employs children as spies and is based in Europe. The protagonist is a boy that goes by the name of James Adams. James is a boy who’s mother died and does not know who his father is. James’ stepdad is a person named Ron. Ron and James always argue. When James’ mother died Ron abandoned James and only kept his daughter Lauren. In the pages 113-226 James is in basic training, a gruesome 100 day boot camp. One question that we had about the first 113 pages was why Ron hates James. One reason we think Ron hates James is because Ron always takes advantage  of James’ mother and James looks out for his mother. Another reason is because Ron usually comes home drunk. Another question we had was how do you think James’ attitude helps with missions. One way being violent and trouble- making helps on missions is because CHERUB agents are supposed to act like regular children. One problem we had was that one of our group members was not here. Something that went well was that we had lots of discussion about the book.