Good Will Hunting- A Film Classic

My dad introduced me to this Good Will Hunting recently and I have to say I really enjoyed it.  I feel like we always dedicate are attention to mainstream Netflix originals, and although some of them are good they don’t have the same impact on me like the classics.


Good Will Hunting is about an extremely smart self taught teenager named Will Hunting that always dreamed of becoming a mathematician.  However, his poor background prevents him from going to college, and the furthest he ever gets to his dream is by working as a janitor at MIT.  One day he finally is recognized for his intellect by solving a math problem that none of the students could answer.  Although he reaches his dream, Will quickly realizes the fame is not for him and descends into depression.  It is up to his close friends and therapist Sean Maguire to pull him out.

Image result for good will hunting


Good Will Hunting is everything you could want in a movie.  It is funny, sad, and has a good message about life at the same time.  Therefore, I’m giving this movie a fresh rating.  Also Robin William’s performance as Sean Maguire was so good that he won an Oscar.

The Rotten Potatoes


Movies are one of the best mediums to share stories, experiences, and ideas.  Join me as I expose the ups and fatal flaws of trending films.  (Spoiler Alert)

The Rating System

Rotten– A movie that is actually unbearable to watch.  Imagine the condition of the potatoes during the famine in Ireland; not pleasant

Image result for rotten potato

Mashed–  This rating pertains to a movie that had a good concept, but wasn’t able to live up to the hype.

Image result for mashed potato

Stale– Neither an groundbreaking movie nor a terrible one.  It’s like that one potato that is neglected in the freezer, but is always there for you when you don’t have anything else to eat.

Image result for frozen baked potato

Fresh– Every starch lovers dream.  A movie that receives this rating has fantastic plot that can be enjoyed time and time again

Image result for fresh french fries