The Fun of Re-Reading a Book!


Recently, I have began to read Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, a book that I read about two years ago, and it reminds of the fun of reading a book you have already read again!

Of course, you can’t just read any book over again, it usually has to be compelling in the first place. Additionally, for me, it’s hard to read again if the book delves into deep and poignant topics, because usually the book gets it’s message across perfectly the first time around. Fantasy and Sci-Fi novels that are more of a fun ride book to re-read that won’t depress you in the process.

It is enjoyable to get reintroduced to the deep world-building established in certain books. Also, books with plot twist are another enjoyable read because it’s fun to track down the little hints the author sprinkled throughout the book that hinted to the plot twist.

The first book in a beloved series is also a great re-read, because it’s so interesting to see how the stories the character has gone through changed said character by comparing the character’s personality in the first book to the last book. It’s like watching the first season of your favorite TV show so you can remember how it all began.

For example, I have re-read the whole Harry Potter series several times and each time it’s a different experience because I am able to spot the little plot twist hints and catch details that I had missed in the past. Harry Potter himself and the supporting characters around him also greatly change and it’s fascinating to see how they have done so.

In conclusion, If you don’t have a book waiting to be read on your shelf, re-read one of your former favorites. It’s absorbing to see how the characters have changed, how the plot twists were foreshadowed, how many details you missed in your first read, and how time has changed YOUR perspective about the events going on in the book.

So, if you have some time on your hands, re-read a book that you read a while ago and see how it goes. You’ll probably like it!

What’s your favorite book to re-read?

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