What I have been up to!!

Welcome or welcome back to Paint Wars!! I hope y’all have been doing well!! (lol I have lived in the “country” for too long already!!) How is everyone in quarantine? I know that everyone is super duper bored, so I am going give you a list of some things to do in quarantine!! I hope you guys are doing okay, and I hope you stay safe and healthy!

  1. Read/do school work- I have been caught up in a tangled mess of all my classes recently. It does take up a lot of time, but it is necessary because you shouldn’t ignore your teachers!! If you need help organizing your school work and dividing up your time evenly, check out this website to help keep you focused! (Yes, it is for students in law school, but it has some helpful tips!)
  2. Draw/do art- I have been doing a lot of just random doodling, and drawing recently. It helps relieve my stress of everything that is happening and helps relieve the pressure of all my school work. (And plus, sometimes it actually turns out good!!
  3. Bake/cook-I have also been helping cook the dinners and making desserts and stuff. It’s really fun and it gives a nice break from my work.In fact, just this morning I made homemade whipped cream and it was really good! I will link the recipe here!! It is super easy to make and delicious! You can also add additional flavors or colors for taste, or just to make it look good!
  4. Play outside!-In my backyard, we recently started a garden! Now, I know wherever you live, you might not have this much land, but even just sitting out in the front yard is a good relaxer! As of right now, I am actually writing this from my back porch, while my siblings are running around in the yard!
  5. Sleep- I have been doing a lot of sleeping, and resting! I have been sleeping until like 10:00 every morning!! It does mess up my day a little bit, because I can’t get as much school work done, but if you use the above link, you can manage everything!
  6. Do puzzles!-I recently started a puzzle with 1000 pieces, and I am still working on it, but it is lots of fun!! No matter how big, a puzzle is a good time filler, and we all know that during this pandemic, we have lots of time on our hands.
  7. Learn to play an instrument!-Are you that family that has the piano in there living room that no one plays? Well you can look up a Youtube video, and teach yourself how to play!! You can impress lots of people, just by playing a few simple keys! I also did this recently, and my family was very impressed!!
  8. Learn a new language!- You can download Duolingo, and you can learn most languages!! I am currently learning Italian and Hawaiian!! It’s super fun and easy to learn, so you should try it out!
  9. Watch lots of movies!- I have been watching lots of movies that I never knew existed, and they were really good! Some of my favorite movies are School of Rock, Frozen 2, and many more! Lots of exciting movies are available on Disney Plus, Hulu, and Netflix, so go check it out!
  10. Put on a soap opera, mute the sound, and create your own dialogue!!- I know it sounds crazy, but it is actually hilarious!! This idea came from USA today- 100 things to do while stuck inside!!  You can also read through and find lots of other fun things to do while you are stuck at home!!


Thank you all for reading, and I hope you are all healthy and happy! come back next week for another update!! Love you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

(Please follow my blog! I want to grow it, and have a blog that more and more people can read, and not just students!! ❤️ If you think others will like it, recommend it to them!! Thanks for all your help!)