

 My brother was riding his bicycle. He was so desperate to catch up to the yellow bus. My mother had warned him if he didn’t get up at 7:30 he would be late for the bus. My brother said that he  had been a brat that morning because he had greedily taken the last donut. He didn’t like being called a brat, so we argued for so long that he had missed the bus and was stuck in the situation that he’s in now. Well now a new question appears, what does he do with the bike? 



One thought on “100WC

  1. Liz – It sounds like your brother will be using his bicycle on a regular basis to transport himself to school! 🙂 Last year, I had a student who rode his bike to school every single day, rain, sun, or snow. In fact, he ended up rounding up a small group of bike friends over the course the year. They biked all over the community. I remember seeing photos documenting a failed stream crossing. A couple of bikes were in the stream…stuck. We need more biking in this world. Thanks for writing about your brother’s bicycling misadventure.

    Mrs. Rombach

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