About Flu Pandemics


Flu pandemics occur when a drastically different strain of the flu virus emerges and passes through humans. These strains are very foreign to the immune system making it hard to naturally fight it off. New strains form in farm animals such as chickens, pigs, and cows. The last flu pandemic, swine flu, happened in 2009 and was caused by pigs. Swine flu killed over 200,000 people. Flu pandemics occur every 10-40 years. New strains constantly form, but only a few are able to pass and spread among humans because animal and human viruses are very different. Researchers are working to find new ways to stop these viruses from spreading.

Source: https://www.livescience.com/64992-how-flu-becomes-pandemic.html

Oregon Kid Diagnosed with Tetanus

Tetanus is a bacterial illness that causes severe symptoms. This past week, a boy in Oregon cut his forehead while playing outside. He was patched up, but after a few weeks he began to feel very sick and had a lot of muscle spasms. He was taken to the ER where the doctor diagnosed him with tetanus. This was the first reported case of this disease in Oregon in 30 years.  This disease is preventable with a vaccination. However, this child was never vaccinated.

Moral of the story, have your kids vaccinated. Anti-vax isn’t cool.

UVA Scientists Find the Cause of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

During an investigation into schizophrenia, Michael McConnell, a neuroscientist at UVA, found variance in the genes of neurons and how it affects their life. CNV neurons, neurons with a significant difference in gene make up, are the most vulnerable to dying. People who have CNV neurons may develop neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

McConnell has only looked at neurons in the frontal cortex, and neurons can only be examined after death. More work needs to be done, but this is a good lead to find the cause of these deadly diseases.

This Protein Contributes to Aging

Researchers in Switzerland found a protein that alters the function of the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. When the mitochondria no longer works or is depleted, the cell can no longer respirate and burn the nutrients coming into the cell. This slows the metabolism of the body. This protein is called pumilio RNA (PUM2). Aging causes the production of PUM2 to increase. High levels of PUM2 induce lower levels of another protein called mitochondrial fission factor (MFF). In turn, aging contributes to more unhealthy mitochondria in the body.

PUM2 can production can be reduced using gene-altering techniques. Besides reducing the signs of aging and increasing lifespan, lowering PUM2 will prevent the development of neuromuscular degenerative diseases.


Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324163.php

The Black Death Dates Back to Neolithic Times

A plague doctor from 14th century Europe

Archaeologists have found the body of a 20 year old woman who lived in the neolithic times (5,500 years ago) in a large Swedish grave. They found a strain of the plague bacteria Yersinia pestis along her teeth. This was the oldest recorded track of plague bacteria. This strand of bacteria caused pneumonic plague which is much more severe than the bubonic plague that hit Europe in the 14th century.

Other records show that contemporary strains of the plague were found in areas of Ukraine and Romania. During the neolithic era, these areas were densely populated, unsanitary, and in close contact with animals. As a result, the breeding of pathogens contributed to the sudden decline of those populations. The plague rapidly spread in the area of Eurasia 5,700 years back via trade. This lead to a rapid decline in the area called the neolithic decline.

As the population of Europe declined, new groups of people migrated into the region and completely changed the genetic makeup of what Europeans are today.





source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(18)31464-8

A Treatment to MS May Have Been Found

Diagram comparing healthy myelin sheaths to MS affected myelin sheaths.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a degenerating disease where the immune system strips away the fat tissue that coats the neurons of the brain. The neurons are the brain cells and nervous cells in our bodies that are in charge of passing messages across our bodies (i.e. sensory, coordination, moving, etc.). This fat is made of myelin. As the myelin insulation is stripped, the axons, the parts of the neuron that passes electrical signals to other neurons, is not able to conduct as well. This causes the messages to pass slower, and the patient begins to develop symptoms. These symptoms include visions loss, impaired coordination, paralysis, and a lot more. This demyelination (degeneration) can occur in all parts of the body. The loss of sensation and muscle spasms depends on the area the disease occurs.

Diagram of an oligodendrocyte remyelinating the axons of a neuron.

Oligodendrocytes are the cells that replenish myelin on the axons (remyelination). This is our bodies’ natural defense against demyelination. Many experiments and labs were done on cats and monkeys to observe the activity of these oligo cells. Studies found that the oligo cells move up and down the spinal cord in a cat to resupply neurons with myelin. In a cat with MS, the oligo cells moved too slow to keep up with the loss of myelin surrounding the axons.

Scientists now believe that MS can be stopped and even reversed using therapeutics and drugs that help the body produce more oligo progenitors, the cells that produce oligodendrocytes.



Source: https://news.wisc.edu/discovery-opens-new-opportunities-to-slow-or-reverse-ms/

Probiotics Can be Bad for You


Image result for probiotics



Probiotics are the bacteria found in our intestines used to break down and separate foods in order to get the nutrients to our body. This type of bacteria is beneficial and essential for our bodies. We all naturally obtain probiotics before and after birth. We also get probiotics from yogurt and special supplements. Many people think probiotic supplements are healthy if taken moderately; however, recent studies have shown they can actually be bad for you.

Using a new technology called organ-on-a-chip, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have found that probiotics can be detrimental to a person’s body if they have inflammation in their intestines (gut inflammation). Organ-on-a-chip is a microchip lined with cell tissue. It is able to perform the same functions as the organ it is modeling but in a controlled environment. In this case, the organ is the intestine. The engineers who made the chip found that probiotics had a harmful effect when the gut barrier was compromised. They found that the probiotics that have a positive effect in the intestine have a negative effect when they reach other parts of the body. This was the first organ-on-a-chip model that showed how a disease develops in an organ. Researchers plan to make other customized organ-on-a-chip models that show the development of other intestinal diseases such as colorectal cancer.



Walking More can Lower Chances of Stroke


Image result for stroke

Surprisingly enough, walking or even jogging regularly can reduce the severity of a stroke if a person ever got one. A study was conducted by the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. In this study, a large group of over 700 elderly patients admitted to the university hospital who have a mild stroke had the severity recorded. The severity was measured using a standard system that included observing the arms, legs, behavior and posture of the individual. After that, they were asked if they were physically active or not. About 52.5% of them said they were inactive. It was found that the individuals who said they were moderately active had lower severities of stroke. The purpose of this study was t0 find a link between physical activity and stroke severity in order to reduce the occurence of strokes in Sweden.



Image from strokeconnection.strokeassociation.org