My Student Blogging Challenge Reflection

 Greetings, my commenting-crowd and my blogging-buddies! My posting-people and my rad-readers! It has been a stimulating nine posts. Posts sharing my interests such as theatre, nature, holidays, and more. I have reached a total of twenty-one comments and three-hundred and eleven pageviews. Most comments were from classmates, but quite a few were from people I have never known before. That is why I appreciate blogging so much. You have the opportunity to share your life experiences with others, make new friends, and unearth a world that I have never seen before.

 I adored writing all of my posts, but my favorite post has to be “Halloween: How to get the most candy while Trick-or-Treating!” Which you can read here: Boo! Holidays have always been a passion of mine. I got to do research on the most popular costumes, how many people celebrate Halloween, etc. I had the chance to teach my tips on how to get the most candy, too. Tips such as “Keep the number of group members to a minimum” and “Don’t take too long at each house”. I have used these tips and every year I get more and more candy and I am delighted to assist others in getting more candy. In fact, I still have my stash of candy from Halloween. 

 It was appealing to learn about different web tools, too. We got to add in a visitor tracking widget. Mine is a globe that spins around and around, showing little green dots for where in the world someone is reading. I have gotten viewers from Tennessee, New York, New Jersey, and even Canada. I have the Student Blogging Challenge badge for 2019 underneath my visitor tracking widget, as well, to show that I am satisfied to take part in the challenge. 

 I assume I know what you are thinking. Don’t worry, I am not going to stop blogging just because the Student Blogging Challenge is over. I will still be creating posts about my personality, my experiences, and my interests. I have a lot of ideas that I want to present to you before this school year is over. Stay tuned for that. What is your favorite part of blogging? Tell me in the comments below. Also, please leave a link to your favorite post you have written, so I can repay the visit. I always enjoy hearing from you guys. Thank you for reading; I need to get rolling. Nerd out! 😛

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