Prey written by Chance

The sun is a fire burning on the horizon. Anything in its light is painted gold and scarlet. The trees sigh contentedly as the rise of the sun dry the last of the dew on their leaves. I stalk to my favorite place to hunt; the waterfall. Birds are waking. They sing for the world as they soar, free and completely at peace. The song of the insects is changing, the chirps of crickets are replaced by the sounds of bees, cicadas, and beetles. I listen until the quiet roar of the waterfall calls to me. The sound of water calls to ducks, frogs, fish, rabbits, baboons, and deer. Deer is what I want today. The humans will come soon. I cannot afford to lose my chance at a big meal before I must stay hidden. 

The water is like liquid jewels as it glitters and swirls. The leaves form a jade canopy and flowers encase me in their intoxicating aroma. Lizards sun themselves on the rocks as fat ducks drift by. I tear my eyes away from the ducks. A rabbit scurries past and I almost chase after it. The other animals are usually not so bold. The ducks aren’t as careless, the rabbits cower in their burrows when I pass by, but not today, today I will not waste my efforts on small mammals. 

Every year, humans come around a week from now. They kill every living thing in sight. Even the plants suffer as the humans tread clumsily on ferns and throw objects down in the dirt. During this time I stay well hidden in a tree or in the deepest parts of the jungle where even humans don’t dare venture. I snag occasional careless rabbits, but most of the animals stay away from the metal tubes that can kill a bear with one strike of its silver stones and scare all the birds with a sound like thunder. 

By afternoon I have not caught a single deer. Several rabbits try to run past me, as if to tease me. A duck floats past my nose. They make nice snacks. The rest of the animals take me seriously after that, but the birds that I foolishly tried to chase as a cub sing in an almost teasing tune. I study my reflection. My fur is as dark as night and my eyes are like the stars that guide me home. I am a panther, top of the food chain. Then, I hear a rustle in the tree next to me. One glance at the tree snake makes me instantly weary. I do not blink as the emerald snake regards me in a friendly gesture that I do not return. I only see the occasional snake and am not sure if this one is poisonous. “Hunter.” She said sweetly. “Any luck with the deer?” I let anger color my tone. “ It is none of your business.”   The snake hissed with pleasure. “I know the answer. Would you like to know why all the deer have seemingly vanished?” I sigh, “Why?” The snake just smiles and slithers away. Then, a bang shakes the trees. 


The world is a hurricane of fear and confusion. The birds create a cloud of black as they flee. The rabbits and mice scurry to safety while several panicked deer bound out of the trees and to the opposite side of the waterfall. from the trees. Water flies as ducks hastily throw themselves into the air. One falls and I watch as it’s limp body hits the ground. I run for my life. My paws move beneath me. All that matters is getting away from the humans. The tree branches sway as if they are urging me on. The scent of smoke on the sound of footsteps chase me deeper into the jungle. A sharp pain drives into my shoulder. No, I think. Another blow strikes my heart and I fall. Pain wraps me in a cacoon. The world is fading from view. I see the endless sky, I see the beautiful green of sunlight through leaves, I  hear distant chirps and buzzes. I feel insignificant, a drop in the ocean. The earth will claim me and I will be forgotten, alone and buried. I cry out once, and then the world goes dark. NO, I think. My limbs stop moving. No. The word is lost. My thoughts slow. My senses fade. I am drifting away.

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