Solo by Kwame Alexander

S33004289. sy475 olo is written in verse like many of Kwame Alexander’s books and is Blade’s story.  Blade is a high school senior and the son of rockstar, Rutherford, so he has everything he can ask for, a nice house, a nice car, musical talent, and even a girl friend.  However, his father is an addict and constant embarrassment to him. His sister, Chapel, is in her own world trying to get her own record deal.  And his girlfriend’s parents do not like him so he has to sneak around to see her.  He is also more in love with her than she is with him.  Blade is frustrated by his frustrated by his home situation and life.  He just wants out and wants to head to college, far away from everything.  A family secret though sends him on a journey halfway around the world to find himself, his roots, and his music.

I have mixed feelings about his book.  There  were parts of it I really loved but then other parts not so much.  Both Rutherford and Chapel’s outlandish behaviors frustrated me and I feel took away from Blade’s journey.

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