Across the Floor by Natasha Deen

 Across the FloorI read Across the Floor on TumbleBook Cloud which can be accessed through LCPSGO under Library Resources.

Luc is a star player on his high school football team but an injury costs his team the victory and championship trophy.  In order for Luc to be on the team the next year his coach tells him he has to take dance classes over the summer.  Luc’s parents, especially his father, are not happy about it as he has family priorities which include helping his father with his landscaping business.  Luc insures his parents that he can handle both and signs up for a contemporary dance class.

Luc does not make a good first impression at his first dance class and all the moves sound like a dessert to him,  “Waiter, I’ll have a demi-plie and an Earl Grey tea.”  But Luc’s competitive nature sets in and he begins Googling the names of dance moves so that he can learn them, practicing the moves as he is mowing lawns, and practicing every chance he gets.  Brittany and Jesse, two dance classmates, also help him by tieing dance to football moves.

Through it all, Luc finds himself and realizes his priorities in life.  “I’m going to be a dancer.”

I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a quick humorous read.

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