Quarter 3 is Finally Over!!!! + Reading Goal 2

This quarter has been the longest. It has been a very tedious process keeping up with the reading goals.                    Not this one, however, as I finished my second reading goal very quickly. Within a week to be precise. It was very easy, considering I only had to read for double the time, that is why is was called Double Duty.

Instead of one-hundred twenty-five minutes, it was two-hundred fifty minutes, which was an easy task for me to accomplish. That is considering I love to read. I read a book called The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey, it is a very good book with an interesting and complex plot that you wouldn’t get unless you read it for yourself. I had to record at least fifty minutes for each day of the week, meaning I had to read almost five hours that week. Crazy, right? Not for me it wasn’t.

Anyway that’s what I had to do for my reading goal two for this quarter. There is only one goal for quarter four, I won’t tell you who it is, but it has to do with people. That’s all I will share for quarter four’s goal and I will be talking about that when it starts.