The Rotting World Of Online Gaming

Before you start. I am NOT hating on gamers.

The Slowly Rotting World Of Gaming

Every year new games are released, But what comes with the game?

Every game that is released has these players. From every Realistic FPS to MMOś we have Toxic Players. These players enjoy hurting others, They are the equivalent to bullies in schools. In every single online game we have people who feast of others pain, Either by discouragement or lies. Here are 3 different types of toxic players and the effects they have.

1.)  The Release Wave

When a game is released we have people who are either against or for it. The people who are against it try to lure people away from the game by telling lies. They do this either by complaining on websites or ingame to other players. These players will complain about every single aspect of the game. They complain about everything about the game to make players think it is a bad game. Most of these people trying to lure people away come when the game first comes out.


2.) The Ingame players

Some people either bought the game to enjoy it or to criticize it. Although some people who intended on “Enjoying” it may have fallen from expectations. These critics will buy the game just to join other players and tell them how much it sucks. I personally cant believe that people will buy the game just to tell people its bad. These are dedicated “toxic” players.


3.) The “CyberBully”

These types of toxic players will go online and target a person or persons. They will try to make people quit the game 1 by 1 trying to make the players feel bad or feel insecure. There goal is to make their own amusement and make them seem superior to you. Most times you will find these people talking in the ingame chat usually downgrading someones skills. For example they may call someone a “Noob” (Someone who is generally new or not very skilled).


Just Ignore them…

Most games now try to help people with stopping toxic players. Such as Rainbow six siege, They have implemented a reporting system, a mute system and an automatic ban system for any racist or homophobic comments. Most online games will come with implemented systems like these I just listed.


Thanks for reading

-Travis K


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