Ode to Ice Cream

By: Samantha Borromeo

Oh, ice cream!

You are a piece of Heaven on Earth

My addiction

My counselor

My love

My favorite food!

I am attached to you like the strongest magnet on Earth

You come around on the hottest of days

And I come to you on the worst of days

You are a perfect icy delight

With flavors of plenty

You are as diverse as America!

There’s strawberry

With a surprise of bloody red berry

Hidden in your frozen delight

There’s vanilla

Plain, yet the most iconic taste to exist

There’s chocolate

A glimpse of a slobbery two year old

Devouring his first chocolate cake

That is put into a frozen paradise

There’s cookie dough

There’s mint

There’s rocky road

There’s thousands of tastes

Thousands of ingredients

Thousands of feelings

That are all a part of

Our beloved ice cream



Questions Responses
  1. Which poem type did you publish?
I published an ode.
  1. Answer the ONE question that goes with your poem type:
    1. Emotion Poem: Why did you choose this emotion?
    2. Sensory detail Poem: Why did you choose this event as the basis for your poem?
    3. Inspired by poem: What was the source of your inspiration (poem, song, issue)? Why?
    4. Nature/environment poem: Why did you choose this environment?
    5. Allegory: What is the literal meaning (story)? What is the figurative meaning?
    6. Ode: Why did you choose the subject of your ode?
I chose to write an ode to ice cream because it’s easy to write about something that you love since there’s so many things you can list and that thing that I love is ice cream.
  1. What is the tone of your poem?
The tone of my poem is positive, but gets sarcastic at points
  1. What is the theme of your poem?
The theme of my poem is that ice cream is a diverse food that comes in all shapes, sizes, and flavors and is a delicious dessert
  1. Choose TWO examples of figurative language in the poem.
  1. Quote the figurative language: ” I am attached to you like the strongest magnet on earth”
  2. Type of figurative language: simile
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: It contributes to theme developments because it shows my love and addiction to ice cream
  1. Quote the figurative language: “You are as diverse as America”
  2. Type of figurative language: simile
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: It contributes because I am comparing ice cream’s diversity to America’s
  1. What are two specific ways you revised this poem? (Example: “I changed “happy” to “content.”) Why did you make these revisions?
Revision #1: I changed “classic” to “iconic”

Explanation: I made this revision because “classic” states that vanilla would be too plain unlike “iconic”

Revision #2: I changed “bright” to “bloody” 

Explanation: I made this revision because I wanted to describe the strawberry to be more juicy than bright.

  1. How easy or difficult was it to write this poem? Why?
Writing this poem was easier than I thought it would be because writing about something you love is easy because there’s so many reasons to love something
  1. How satisfied are you with your final draft? Explain.
I am not very satisfied with my final draft because I wish I wrote an ode to something that is alive, not an object. This way, I would sound less sarcastic.