


By Miles Lang


I am inspired by Victory

You put effort in to accomplish

You never give up and fight through problems

The feeling is like no other

Victory is unique

It means so much to win to some people

But to others Victory is just a word

It doesn’t matter how you see you

It shows endeavor, expertise, and accomplishment

Victory is a feeling of greatness

Victory is the symbol of power



Questions Responses
  1. Which poem type did you publish?
Inspired by poem
  1. Answer the ONE question that goes with your poem type:
    1. Emotion Poem: Why did you choose this emotion?
    2. Sensory detail Poem: Why did you choose this event as the basis for your poem?
    3. Inspired by poem: What was the source of your inspiration (poem, song, issue)? Why?
    4. Nature/environment poem: Why did you choose this environment?
    5. Allegory: What is the literal meaning (story)? What is the figurative meaning?
    6. Ode: Why did you choose the subject of your ode?
The source of my inspiration is a word and the word is Victory, this inspires me because it is a strong and meaningful word to me.
  1. What is the tone of your poem?
  1. What is the theme of your poem?
Put all effort in and never give up.
  1. Choose TWO examples of figurative language in the poem.
  1. Quote the figurative language: “Victory is a feeling of greatness”
  2. Type of figurative language: Metaphor
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: The tone is supposed to motivate you and make you feel positive and greatness is a very positive word.
  1. Quote the figurative language: “The feeling is like no other”
  2. Type of figurative language: Hyperbole
  3. Explain how this figurative language contributes to tone and theme development: I’m trying to make the feeling sound amazing and like nothing you’ve ever felt so people get motivated to feel it.
  1. What are two specific ways you revised this poem? (Example: “I changed “happy” to “content.”) Why did you make these revisions?
Revision #1:

Explanation: I changed effort to endeavor

Revision #2:

Explanation: I changed skill to expertise

  1. How easy or difficult was it to write this poem? Why?
Easy because I have won a lot of things and I’ve always wanted to share the feeling with people that havent won.
  1. How satisfied are you with your final draft? Explain.
I’m pretty satisfied because it shows good detail with a lot of description words and its really easy to figure out the tone and theme of the poem.