Author Archives

Archive of the posts written by author: JAIN.

Austin, Texas

Over winter break I went to Texas with my family. We visited Austin, The Johnson Space Center in Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas. My favorite city was Austin because the area around it was very pretty and the city was small but clean.…

The Outside: Chapter four- part 1

The next part to The Outside. I think by this point I was at the end of sixth grade. Chapter 4: Rendezvous Seth and Taylor waited anxiously in front of the wooden door at the guard’s post. They had figured out that Wolfdog…

Past Lives

Today I decided to find a prompt and see how far I could go with it. Prompt: Write about someone who is reincarnated over and over again and remembers all of his/her past lives, but no one else on earth remembers theirs. Ground…

The Fantasy World I Would Most Prefer to Live In

Someone suggested to me the other day that I write about the fantasy world that I would most want to live in. Over the years I’ve read a lot of books, and have seen a bunch of different worlds and societies. Some of…

My Untold Stories

Over the years I’ve had a lot of ideas in my head about possible stories I could write. A few of them I did start putting onto paper, but most of them I never actually got around to writing. Here I am going…

The Outside: Chapter Three- Part 2

Here is the second part to Chapter 3! Previously… Taylor sighed, then began to crawl through the rocks. Seth heard a small gasp. Then Taylor came back. “Uh, Seth-” A low growl sounded from the side of the cave. Seth and Taylor turned…

Travel Blog- Adventures in Hawaii- The Big Island

A large aspect of my life is travelling. I love going to new places and learning about them, especially the culture and nature. My family loves nature, so we have visited a lot of different national parks all over the country, and even…

The Outside: Chapter Three

The next chapter to The Outside-   Chapter 3: Test (Part 1) The night air was cool, the stars shining brightly above him. Few flyers were on the road at the late hour, passing him with a whoosh. He looked both ways before…

Maybe next time

Even though this blog is mainly about creative writing, I mentioned that gymnastics is a huge part of my life and that I may blog about it from time to time. Recently, I’ve been pretty frustrated about gymnastics, and practices have been kinda rough,…

The Outside: Chapter Two

The next chapter to The Outside. Enjoy! Chapter Two: The Note His footsteps echoed in the small cave as Seth searched for his flashlight. As he walked, something rolled beneath his feet, and he lurched forward, and sprawled face first on the ground.…

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