A Star is Born

Over the snow day I saw “A Star is Born”. This movie is rated R and is considered a drama/romance. This is the third version of “A Star is Born”. It stars Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. The story begins with Bradley Cooper performing at a concert as a country singer, and he goes to a bar and sees Lady Gaga singing. He falls in love with her voice and her. Throughout the movie he tries to make her a star and she ends up getting more popular than him. It’s hard for him deal with this throughout the movie. In the movie Bradley Cooper’s character is an alcoholic and a drug addict as well. He tries to overcome it for Lady Gaga, and even goes to rehab. Unfortunately, the rehab did not help him overcome his drug addiction and alcoholism. The ending is very sad and will leave in tears. I highly recommend this movie because the acting was phenomenal, the music was beautiful, and the plot is very interesting. I rate this movie 9.5/10.

The Hate U Give

Over the weekend I went to the movie theater and saw “The Hate U Give”. This movie is rated PG-13 and considered a drama/thriller movie. This movie faces real life harsh topics head on and sets a great message. This movie is set around the Black Lives Matter movement. A teenage girl named Starr and her friend Khalil, the driver, got pulled over by a white cop. Khalil stepped out of the car and was shot by the officer. The whole movie was set around Starr and how she stands up for Khalil. She was the only witness and felt like she had a voice. This movie was very well produced and very well thought out. I rate this movie 8/10.

A Quiet Place

For my first movie review I wanted to review one of my favorite movies, “A Quiet Place”.  This movie is rated PG-13 and is considered a thriller movie. This movie is about how a creature is invading Earth. This creature is blind, but has very good hearing. So, everyone on Earth has to remain silent to stay alive. A Quiet Place stars the couple John Krasinski and Emily Blunt. They play the role of husband and wife with three kids. In the beginning of the movie their youngest plays with a loud toy and gets killed by the creature, which makes the parents very cautious throughout the movie, Throughout the movie they try to stay alive with their daughter and son, but the mother is pregnant. She has to silently give birth, which complicates things. This is the climax in the movie where the family gets split. The father ends up sacrificing himself to save the kids. All in all I would give this movie an 8/10 because it will have you at the edge of your seat.