Reflection of the SBC 2019 Experience

Hello Friends, This is the week eight and final Student Blogging Challenge post. I have really enjoyed blogging so far and I don’t intend to stop. Even though this particular challenge  is coming to an end, I will still be blogging about my adventures and posting recipes. 


Now to get on with the questions.


#1: Out of eight blogging challenge posts how many did you post?


I managed to post five out of the eight blogging challenge post. Now if we were just talking about my blog in general I posted nine posts including this one.. I only ended up posting five posts that applied to the Challenge because every year in the month of November we take a trip to europe. So I missed a few days of school. If you have any suggestions of where we should go next leave a comment.


#2: How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers, visitors.


I have received twenty comments from classmates, teachers, and other visitors. I very much enjoy reading all of your comments and want to continue to receive positive messages and feedback.

One comment that stood out to me was this one Hello! I was wondering, did you go to Potomac too? If you did, then that is so cool! I went to Potomac when I was in elementary school too! I love taking photos too! In fact, my stepmom is forming her own business in Photography! From time to time, I help out and she usually asks my siblings and I to take photos. I see you love to travel, that’s great, also, here’s something I spotted in your facts,

“…more.I like to……….” Just wanted to tell you about that error and another one,

“I also like to open boxes of my stuff as if I just got it.” There is a double space there between I and If, thought you would like to know.

Also one more thing,

“For example here is a photo I took.” To make this correct, you should put a comma between “example” and “here”.

Sorry if I bothered you with those mentions!,

I liked this comment because it complemed my blog,they told me a little about themselves, it asked questions and gave me feedback. This is what I would like all my comments to look like.


#3: Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why.


I think my favorite post was the Week Five Music Post. This was my favorite post because I felt like I could talk about what interests me. This post spoke to me because I could talk about things that I like as well as learn about what you like. If you have not checked out my Week Five Post scroll on down and do so.


#4: What web tool did you use to showcase your creativity. 


I think my favorite web tool was the Word Collage. I used this tool in my A-Z post. I like this because I could use the words that I used in my post and design them into a cool image. These images were cool because from far away they look normal but close up you could see all the different words.


#5: What are your plans for your future blog.


My future plans are to post recipes that I enjoyed baking and also to write recipe reviews. Since i have a big move coming up in the future I will probably be posting more about that.If you want to learn more about that check out my All About Me post on the ‘All About Me’ page or at the bottom of this page.