putting random foods in air fryer- pre blog

This weekend Im going to put random foods into an air fryer, which is this cooking thing that looks kind of like a grill on the inside. Like a circular grill.. I will show a picture. It works by swirling hot air around the food which sounds exactly like a toaster oven or just a normal oven but my mom insists that it is not. I am very skeptical of the air fryer and I think it is a waste of money. My mom tried to make broccoli in the air fryer and it made the broccoli inedible and made my whole house smell really bad.

Formally, I plan on testing if the air fryer actually works, but really I just want to throw food in it and see what happens. Im going to try to put foods in there that wont start a fire or break the air fryer.

Watercolor landscape

In art class we made a watercolor landscape, which is something that I had never attempted before. Usually when I do watercolor it is for backgrounds or for coloring people, so I this was a challenge.

sorry the picture is low quality

The hardest part about this was making the bushes realistic. I tried to put darker colors on the bottom and create texture, but I think it still looks pretty cartoony. The water wasn’t too difficult, and I used masking fluid to keep the white parts white while also not spending forever coloring. I actually enjoyed this project a lot more than I expected. Even though it didn’t really require much creativity or thought, landscapes can be really calming.

Top ten things to do with a stick, part two

Here is part two of my ranking, this is on the bad end of the scale. This is the link for the article I am testing: https://childhood101.com/outdoor-activities-20-ways-to-play-with-sticks/

  1. Use as pair of drumsticks on a tree or rock to make outdoor music- This one was just banging a stick against a tree, depending on how angry you are this could be satisfying.
  2. Tie on a length of ribbon to create a wind streamer- The making of this one is the same as the fishing pole one, which goes to show just how fantastically versatile sticks can be.

stick wind streamer IN ACTION

  1. See how high you can build a stick tower by layering sticks on top of one another. – In a way, a tree is a stick tower.

  1. Paint them, with bright colors or pastels- I really pushed my creativity with this one

Beautiful coloring to create a rustic effect

  1. Practice your shapes numbers and letter using stick. – This wasn’t really the worst, the worst one was to create a frame for your nature art (made with sticks) using more sticks. I felt that my message in the writing was a great conclusion to this post though.

Very faintly, it says styx 4 lyfe

fully vegetarian meal out

This past weekend I went out to ‘authentic’ and ‘non white’ Indian food with ANUSHA! (check out her blog it is very nice). I’ve wanted to try different vegetarian foods recently to see if I could actually have the will power to commit to being vegetarian, and going out to eat with my friend was a great opportunity to try.

The restaurant was buffet style, so I served myself just got everything Anusha got. First we got things like naan and different sauces to dip it in as well as cooked vegetables, lentils, and chickpeas to put in between the naan. I really liked this so I got it again. Then Anusha showed me this thing called pani puri, which were like little hollow crispy balls that you poke a hole into and then you put chickpeas and spicy sauce in it. These were cute and fun to make. I found out I like interactive food.

Heres a picture of pani puri

For desert we had a fruit custard with syrup soaked fried dough type things. This was my favorite part, the desert was so good.

Overall the food was great and in the future I may actually try to be vegetarian. I want to go to this restaurant again too.

Top ten things to do with a stick (part one)


I found this article called 20 things to do with the humble stick, and I decided to try all of them and rank them. I did this outside with my friend (878351, check out her blog) and it was freezing, but I can say that I gained a lot of extremely useful knowledge on stick related activities.

Im ranking these from greatest to least. This is a little unconventional but I think that the ones that I ranked the least are just so bad that I don’t want to start off with them. Actually, Im going to leave out some and only rank like ten or so. PART TWO COMING SOON.

  1. (Highest ranked) Add some string to make a fishing pole. – You know, I think that using a stick to make a fishing pole is a great idea, but I think that to make it actually effective it needs more than just string and a stick. I wanted to add something that would make it sink at least, so I tied a walnut to it. Unfortunately this didn’t sink either. After this I gave up. However, making it was nice and I enjoyed myself

Picture on left= walnut. Picture on right= walnut in action

  1. Roast a marshmallow on a stick over fire pit- I didn’t actually try this but Ive done it in the past and it is very nice.
  2. Try nature weaving with a Y stick. – This was also nice (in the context of what I was doing), I think that it could have been better if I had woven more stuff into it besides string and a leaf.

4. Get into the holiday spirit by creating twig stars- I didn’t actually do this one but it is on the craftier side of the spectrum so it provides more entertainment than like banging a stick against a tree.

5. Play Pooh Sticks- This was a game where you throw a stick over a bridge and another person does the same then you run to the other side and look to see whose stick made it past the bridge first. Cora won.

Here is us about to throw the sticks.