Breakout Game!

Today during my History class we went to the library to play a game. We were learning about why the American colonists won the Revolutionary War. Today we learned about the Culver Spy group that Washington used to gather battle strategies and information on the British. They started in about 1776 and they were finally found in 1929. It took historians 153 years to uncover their secrets. We played a game where each team had one spy packet that had documents you needed to analyze. Then you needed to type them into a google form and that would tell if it was right or not. It was fun and it took some time but my group was the 2nd group to finish.

One Reply to “Breakout Game!”

  1. TheRandomDude says: Reply

    Yeah the spy game was really fun. I ended up finding most of the clues but for the final clue the revealing paper was flipped and it showed man instead of the right word which I will not disclose due to the sensitivity of the topic… and for the A day kids that haven’t done it yet.

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