
The waves crashing

The lightning flashing

The red flag is out

Lets take another route

Big clouds in the sky

All I do is wonder why

Why today of all days

Lightning striking in all different ways

Its like a war

Feels like its been going on forever

This shouldn’t happen today not ever




Pieces of art

Words from a book




In a good way

Clues leading up to a reveal

The end of a story

The beginning of a new one




In the middle of the woods


The rush of the leaves

The movement of the branches

A whisper of the cool breeze


As you look up in the sky you see the sun

Bright, bold and yellow

You know that summer is coming



As I wake up in the morning
I hear a beep
And all I want to do is keep counting sheep
When I’m putting on all my clothes
I see a bunch of pretty roses
I totally forgot that today is my parents anniversary
I need a gift and I need it fast
It has to be better l then a stinky old cast
What was I supposed to do
I just broke my arm while I was putting new flowers on our farm
I know what I will get them
I will get them a pig
Maybe for fun I can put him in a wig

Race of Life

Life is like a race…
Sometimes you get tired and feel like you can no longer move forward
Sometimes you feel like you are wasting your time and want to give up
Other times the finish line is in sight and you know exactly what to do

Life can be awesome or it can be awful but just remember that there is always a finish line at the end of your long race. Continue reading

Slice Of Life #4

A few days ago we had a snow storm. A big dangerous storm that kept us inside our house for a long seven days. Just kidding. But we did have snow! About three inches of white, glowing fluffines that is great for sledding a snowball fights with your friends. Over the last two years of cold weather, we have never had this kind of snow. We have either had no snow at all or painful ice that’s is bad for sledding and snowball fights. Also we have only had like one or two days off of the school year, which really stinks. But so far we have had five days off! Which is good compared to the recent years. I can’t wait for the next “snow storm.”


Slice Of Life #3

If you go on the road for four, five or even six hours I would call that a road trip. Some road trips could be good and some could be bad. Mine was bad. It was a five hour fight with my sister and I yelling at each other for taking up to much space and my dad telling us to quiet down. As I see my aunts house up the street a smile comes to my face because I get to get out of this car and I haven’t seen her since Christmas. Once we pull up in the driveway I open my door even though the car is still moving cause I want to get out so badly. Of course I get in trouble. But I just want to get out of that death trap. It’s fine when we stay there but the car ride back home is twice as bad because there is hitting, kicking, punching and more yelling. Thank goodness that’s over. Next time I will sit in the back seat.

Slice Of Life #2

As the end of the year is approaching the beginning of the S.O.L test is starting. This is the time where there is a big test that take an hour of stress and hard work for 50 questions. We have not started yet but everyone else and I feel it coming. The teachers have been rushing information in to our brains as we are trying to handle it all. In math we just took two benchmarks and are about to take a test. In English we are learning a lot of new things. We all feel it coming and its definitely not going away.

Slice Of Life #1

Last Sunday was a day of struggle trying to teach my dog how to do paw. I have tried treats, visual example with my other dog and enthusiasm but none of that works. Whenever I say paw he looks at me with a blank stare or licks me. But he still has no problem hitting/pawing you for attention. Meanwhile paw is one of the only things my other dog knows so I have been trying to teach her to bark on command. so every time I tried it she would give me her paw. They will get it eventually get it with my sister because I have tried for one week.

The Need of Sleep

For school why do you have to wake up early. I mean they get mad at you when you are sleeping in class but like I would not be asleep is school started at 10:00. I would be ready to learn and would not doze off. I know school is like seven hours so they do it early so it can finish early but school doesn’t have to be that long. We don’t need an hour and a half per class. An hour is fine. Instead of waking up yourself, theres an alarm screaming in your ear. It never gets old or less annoying.