Finally! Week 2 of season 5! I completed week 1’s challenges in the first few hours so I am glad I can do more. (This is about fortnite by the way) I decided to try “search between an oasis, dinosaurs, and a rock archway. I already knew where those were so I thought I could get a free tier. I dropped there. First I got killed because I forgot to grab a gun, the next round I got the gun and killed 2 drifts with my scoped AR and started searching. I couldn’t find it anywhere! I got sniped while standing on a rock thinking. But the third round is when the interesting stuff happens I get into a round and take a picture of the map. I edited it to show me exactly where it would be.

I then got back to fortnite. I was zooming over the island in the battle bus. I tried to jump off but it didn’t work. “Ok, I’ll just jump off with all the AFK people. Some reason I didn’t go off. But then I went past the island. I got a screen recording of it.

But remember, there is no downside to video games!


########(AT)LCPS.ORG RUINED EVERYTHINGI have not been posting for a while and now the wait is over. I am pre writing this and I don’t know when it is going to come out to the public.The only reason I can write this is because I write all my posts on a google doc. (I think that is how you say google docs when it is not plural) But I can explain the wait. If you are reading this then the blog is back to normal but I will tell an altered fairy tale about what happened.


Once upon a time there was a super ugly princess named Blarp. She had no purpose to the story and is the only reason this is a fairy tale. Then on the other universe (The one we live in) there was a school called ########## Middle School at that school, everyone had an email so they could do stuff like google classroom


But the staff thought that ######@locker.lcps.org was too long so they changed it to ######@lcps.org. But then it messed up the blogging system. Now I can only stare at my blog.




But that means if you comment 100 times you won’t be mentioned once on the commenters page and I won’t be able to read it easily. I can’t post. I can’t edit comments so if some fat dude in his mom’s basement comments: I think you are a _BAD_WORD_, I won’t be able to edit that and make it say: I think you are a beautiful human being. But after this, I can continue, these are the future blog posts:


Great Wolf Lodge

Lake Anna

Piano Recital

Math SOL

The Phone Story

The Terrarian (Be excited)


And somewhere in there will be post number 100! But remember, there is no downside to video games.



There was not a tornado when I was at great wolf lodge. There was just a water slide called the tornado and a child abuse story. (See dad, there would be consequences)


Everyone unpacked. I grabbed my 314159265358979th tissue and made the loudest honking sound I ever heard. After that we chilled in the hotel room. I had to stay in the corner because my family thought I had contagious cancer. But after a while I was free to go to the water park. Thankfully if your surrounded by water your nose didn’t murder anymore, I did everything at the water park except the tornado. I was thinking about it until I heard a menacing scream. I didn’t go on it. But at the end of the day my dad said no you MUST go on it. I said no, you can go on it yourself but dad had other plans. After a long argument about how you NEED to have four people on it. (Even though the next day I heard you only needed ONE person)


I went on the ride the next day. The we did the Maji quest (Not Maui quest, autocorrect) then we went home. But remember, there is no downside to video games!



I decided to skip the Lake Anna, Piano Recital, and the Math SOL posts because I didn’t think they where interesting enough. The next thing is the phone story so this is it.

So, for my birthday I got my dad’s iPhone 6. I will call it potato puchies. I got some games and started playing them. But soon the unthinkable happened. I was in the bathroom and I forgot to put it in my room so I put it on my sink. But then I splashed some water on it by accident and it started acting weird. It later turned off without turning on again. I told my dad about it and attempted to fix it. He couldn’t. We then went to great wolf lodge. When we came back we took it to the Verizon store. The manager said he couldn’t fix it and we had to get the new iPhone 8. I got it because mom wants me to have a phone for safety reasons because my gizmo gadget was a failure.


So now I have the iPhone 8. But remember, there is no downside to video games!



There is no Terrarian today. But I am not going to post until I can get it out so I can feel motivated to finish. The reason is I am writing two other books in addition to The Terrarian, Endless and The Imposter. A war then alien story.


(I haven’t gotten The Imposter cover yet)


But now for the bulk of the post, the last day of school:


I woke up at like 6:00. I got ready to school and played on my iPad. I went to school just like normal.



This is the next update post. I’m going to start now:



I just got on the road. I checked the map on my phone and it said we would get there at 3:05 (5 hours and 13 mins)



We just finished an “unexpected” movie


At around 10:00 we crossed the border to Maryland and Pennsylvania at 11:00. We are going to New York.




I played about an hour of this 2017 fidget spinner game. It is addicting. I don’t have a horrid stuffy nose like last time. My phone says we will get there at 3:08 meaning it went up by 3 minutes. This has nothing to do with the car ride but I need to fit this in somewhere. I am actually getting better at Fortnite! I get 2-5 kills and make it into the endgame where there is a huge build off! (I will destroy the person that killed me at 3rd place and if I shot him once he would die, ONCE)




I did nothing since I last posted. Nothing. The movie is still on because it goes on forever just my parents paused it. The first second of the second time it played.



We are almost there, there is only five minutes left!


I forgot to say anything when we got there. But remember, there is no downside to video games!



Since nobody said anything I am going to make the story category anyway, but that is not what this post is about. It is about an old story.






He ran towards NASA

But he got on a crane

Because he almost had no legs

But he made it to NASA

They were going to launch to Mars

Once the fat person got on he saw a sight

The fat person from the past getting on




The fat person snuck in the door

The back door

He saw a massive ladder

It lead to the cockpit

The fat person pressed a huge green button

The rocket blasted off into space

He knew the earth was about to explode

It did

The fat person knew he had to save the world

But that was for episode III

He traveled to space Mexico to drop the people off

Because he wanted to honor tacos

Then he took the rocket to the shack

He parked the rocket on a random helicopter pad

And he got off

He had a 4¢ fishbowl on his head

So he was fine

He got out his handy dandy laser gun ($1.99)

And knocked down the door

[Dr. Dienfosneideidmeodmdoyouknowdewae emerged]

[He pulled out a legendary scar with 837403748 ammo]

The fat guy pulled out a plastic diamond sword




But remember, there is no downside to video games!



“FINALLY I WON THE GAME!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.


I could not believe it! Also, I think I am the only person that can say my first win was a solo one on mobile instead of a squad one on Xbox/computer. But my question is, Where was the last guy? I was standing in my fort waiting for the guy to come out and play and the victory showed up in my face. (I got 3 kills so I still worked hard for that win) I have a theory though: he had a pistol and was hiding in a bush the entire game. He was directly in front of my superduperomgajohnwickwouldbeimpressed  fort (A two story sniper tower on top of a house in salty springs) and the storm was moving in. He thought I had a scar with 828403938228394927294830.82884 decillion ammo so he decided to stay in the bush. The storm came in and he used some bandages and died. Lesson learned: Don’t be a bushy boi, be a ninja boi.


Even though I was searching with my thermal so I would have seen him in the bush. But remember, there is no downside to video games! Especially if you get a Victory Royale!


Welcome back to the blog of all blogs! It has definitely been a while but now it is fixed! Every other day there will be a post again! I’ve decided it is a good time to update the blog! So now there is an entire new and improved blog! If you see this post and the blog looks normal then I’ve JUST posted it and trying to get all the 82839493 other posts in! (They will all have the same date to make my life simple) But remember, there is no downside to video games!


It is not letting me change the picture for some reason