Story time my friends.

Adventures of riding the bus

If you don’t already ride the bus then understand all victims of bus traumatic experiences are advise not to read any further. Other wise please enjoy the Adventures of riding the bus!

Perhaps all my stories are biased because i wasn’t involved in any of the acts but even if i were there is absolutely no reasoning to why you would do these things anyway. First up on my list of stories we have the Nintendo. . . Are childhood game boy sounds like a peaceful thing to do on

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the bus. Your wrong. These three boys in the front have always grinned extremely hard on these toys. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t broken the device yet. Especially the way the use it, but that is besides the point. It wasn’t abnormal that they would have their Nintendo’s out. If anything it was expected. They don’t usually sit together but that morning they were, so that’s already a sign of ‘Send help the Nintendo players are making a cult’. I ignored the OBVIOUS red sign. They were laughing and playing, and were usually the only ones talking on the bus cause my bus is dead. Then it got quiet, so of course of me being e had to peak my head out into the isle. There the Nintendoer’s sat going hard at whatever they were playing. Probably a new game that brought them together to form their pack. Skip a Little bit ahead i hear a small bit of whisper yelling. I ignored another OBVIOUS red sign. Then all the sudden i take a peak for the sake of my sanity do see this mans, stand up, lower the bus window, and THROW HIS NINTENDO OUT THE WINDOW. At first i’m confused but then it hits me that they all no longer have a Nintendo in hand they all threw them out. No forgive me if i’m wrong but a game that caused that much rage was not worth throwing a how ever much a Nintendo cost OUT THE MOVING BUS WINDOW. Not to mention i almost positive one of their game boys hit a car. Now i don’t have great eyes(I mean i have glasses) but i bid you not there was a large dent left. As if the throwing the Nintendo out a moving bus wouldn’t cause enough damage why don’t we throw them with eminence force and damage a car while were at it. I’m sitting there dumb founded while they just sit back down as if nothing happened. Like oh okay got it out of your system and now were all good.