9 Question Listicle

I know I haven’t posted that much, but here is a post. I hope you like it. Today I answered questions made by a random question generator. It was pretty fun, it made me think a lot about myself. Also, feel free to answer the question down there.



  • What’s the best part of rain?


The best part of rain is the sound, the smell, and the feel of it. You can hear the droplets land on the roof, on the ground, on trees. Sometimes you can hear the thunder. It is just pleasant. When it rains it smells really clean. Like the earth beneath is getting washed. The smell of it just seeps out. I wish that I could smell it everyday. When a cold drop just lands on my skin on a hot day is very refreshing. It is just like a shower, but bigger.



  • What’s the most interesting thing you have in your pocket right now?


My pants don’t have pockets.



  • What’s your opinion on naps?


My opinion on naps is that they are pleasant and really nice, but they mess up my schedule, and it also gives me headaches, which is not nice. But other than that it is very nice. When I come back from biking with my friends, I am really tired, so I take a nap, but regret afterwards. The root cause of my dislike of naps are headaches. The good thing is that you sometimes feel better when you wake. Once I was really grumpy because I took a nap.



  • What mode of transportation have you never tried?


Very interesting question, ain’t it! Well, I have rode all types of modes of transport. I have rode by air, water, and land. I have never been on a maglev train, most are in Europe, and East Asia. When I go there probably I would have to ride that ,since that is the main mode of transportation over there.



  • Where is the strangest place you have fallen asleep?


The strangest place I have fallen asleep is in the shower. I was taking a shower and sat down on the tub, and dozed off for a second. Then I woke up in an instant. I was really tired that day. I don’t know what I did that day to become that tired. Weird, right…



  • Have you ever been in an event that will one day be in history books?


I am living during a life changing pandemic. So, I am pretty sure that this will be in history books in the future. It will be most likely about how this changed our behaviour, lifestyle, and how many people it affected. We are living in history at the moment. It feels really weird that I am living in History and that we all will be part of it. I really hope this subsides quickly.



  • What were you most afraid when you were younger? Do you still have that fear?


When I was really little, I was scared of the dark. I still am, kind of. When I was something really scary I started being paranoid when I am in the dark. Like someone is watching me, but I can’t see them. This scares me really really badly, but when I am meh or I was having a good day or a meh day, then probably I wouldn’t be afraid. 



  • What are your top 5 snacks?


I have no favourite snacks. If I eat something too much, I will HATE it. I will despise it for awhile. Then eat it again. Right now I am monching on my chocolate almond. They are really good, but I will be disgusted by it when I finish it. Does this happen to anyone or is it just me?



  • What doesn’t exist, but should.


Magic. It could push the limits of everything. Think about it, we could solve climate change, go to space, create a cure for any disease, and etc. We could push the bounds of humanity. There would be boundless opportunities with this. There would be some drawback with this though. It could be incorporated with tech. People could do bad things to each other or make bad weapons that could just wipe us out. Still, I would like magic to be real. 


I hope you guys liked it. I hope you guys are all safe during the pandemic. Stay warm and stay safe!

One Response

  1. Hi Risad –

    I’m glad you posted this…what a fun idea to use the random question generator to produce questions that YOU answer. How clever!

    I love how you described how when it rains the world smells really clean, “like the earth beneath is getting washed.” That’s a beautiful images.

    I wish we could wash the earth right now and wash away the ugly racism that always lurks just beneath the surface.

    It’s odd that you get headaches from naps. I’m wondering if you’re actually dehydrated from biking and don’t drink enough water. That might be the root cause of your headache…or a pillow that’s not supporting your neck. Drink more, more, more and see if the headaches resolve!

    Falling asleep in the shower is pretty crazy!

    You are experiencing the convergence of TWO major historical events…the worldwide protests over America’s police brutality and racism–and the pandemic. It’s so difficult to fathom.

    I’m still a little afraid of the dark, but I always pray out loud when that fear starts to rise up in me and that settles me.

    Yes, if I eat too many Twizzlers–or chocolate almonds–I do get sick. I think I eat too much, and then I’m upset with myself. HA HA

    I wish magic were real–but could only be used by genuinely good people for good reasons. 🙂

    Miss you. I definitely liked your list post. Try to put up another one…before the end of the school year. I really enjoy the listicles!

    Be safe!
    Mrs. Rombach

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