Hello everybody,

It has been a while since I’ve posted here. And many things have happened so far into the year… but let’s get to the point. For the student blogging challenge, which started all over again(yay). I have written a listicle of what I’ve learned in 8th grade.

  1. I learned how to open lockers, I know the rules of how to open it. Most likely a teacher has shown me in the past how to open a locker, but they never told me the rules. Thanks to the teacher, who told me the rule of how to open a locker.
  2. I learned that you don’t always have to say yes to people. I had a problem saying yes to people or to people I wasn’t familiar with. I was comfortable around my friends to tell them no, but I felt weird to say no to people i don’t know
  3. I became an 8th grader. It feels so weird because I spent most of my life back in Asia, and now I am in 8th grade. Sometimes when I think about it, it makes me think about how much I’ve grown and how far I went. 
  4. I’ve (kind of) learned to study the proper way. In the first quarter, I had a difficult time studying(almost got C’s in some classes), but I think I learned how to study. So far, I am almost getting all A’s. I am kind of worried for next year, since I am taking all honors classes(I’m already struggling :’(). Wish me good luck.
  5. I’ve embraced my introvertness. Last year, I denied that I was an introvert, but then I later I realized that I did not want to talk to people who I did not know. Many people think that I am an extrovert, which I am, but around friends, even sometimes I just walk away from all the chattering that goes on my table. I took a test. It said that I was an introverted extrovert(whatever that means). It said that I was more motivated around my friends, and that people may think I am not motivated, but I really am. 
  6. I really got into listening to music this year. This is my most stressful year so far, and when I listen to music, I feel kind of relieved or calm(can’t think of the word). So, if you are having a stressful day, listen to music.
  7. My motivation and confidence has increased(a bit, maybe). Last year, I hated presenting, it felt like people were silently judging me. I had a problem with people taking pictures of me and recording my voice. Everything seemed so distorted to me. Other than that my confidence has increased and i hope it keeps going up.

If you liked reading my post, please leave a comment and a link to you blog. 



2 Responses

  1. Risad,

    Thanks for sharing such personal details about what you’ve learned this year. As your Communications teacher, I can’t help but marvel at the tremendous growth I’ve seen in you this year. You’ve got your “people,” you proudly tout what you’re passionate about, and you confidently speak your mind in class. Like you, I’m an introverted extrovert, so I completely understand what you worked so hard to explain. The thing is, the more we IEs push ourselves outside of that familiar comfort zone, we grow exponentially.That explains what happened this year. You had to get comfortable speaking up, and, when you did, you quickly understood people cared deeply about what you had to share.

    I’m so glad you’ve been in Communications this year with me and the rest of this tight-knit, zany bunch of 7th and 8th graders. We’ll miss each other, but it’s been such a special experience. 🙂 Let’s hope we get a chance to reconnect before you all leave for Potomac Falls!

    So proud of you, Risad!
    Mrs. Rombach 🙂

  2. Greeting, fellow human!

    Nature Nerd here. I agree, lockers can be difficult. I also learned to open them, but sometimes in the rush I open it too fast or it gets jammed. Listening to music is my jam, too (haha puns). What kind of music do you like to listen to? I mostly listen to Team Starkid songs and songs from broadway musicals! 😛

    Nature Nerd

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