Holiday and Festivities!

Hello folks,

For the week seven student blogging challenge, I will be telling you about my Holidays. In my family, we would like to celebrate some holidays and festivities, but my parents and siblings are both workaholics. So, we don’t  get celebrate to celebrate that much. But these are some holidays that we would/do like to celebrate!

  1. Halloween

When I was in Asia, I did not know  about Halloween… Until I arrived in America. It was a spectacle at that time, because it was my first time. I already knew what it was, because of the American cartoons I watched. Since my family does a lot of work, we don’t have time to spend time with each other. My first year of trick or treating was in 4th grade, and I did it with my mom. I didn’t have a lot of close friends at that time to trick or treat with. I was filled with awe at that moment.  

On 5th grade I trick or treated with a friend. I am not sure what costume I wore. If I remember correctly, I wore a Jason Vorhees costume. With a very iconic hockey  mask, and a blood smeared machete! My friend honestly got creeped out. I live in a very small, boring neighborhood, and no one ever goes out trick or treating. When there is a bowl of candy out, we usually dump the entire thing in. Is that an accepted thing to do? There is no one trick or treating by 6pm. When we are done with our neighborhood, we hit the biggest neighborhood that is in walking distance. After we got there, we hit the houses that give out king size candy. Then we usually hit the houses that give out meh candy. I stop trick or treating  around 9pm, head back home, sort my candy, and eat my favorite ones.and head back home. I usually sort my candy, and eat my favourite ones.  

These are some of my favorite Halloween candies!

  • 1.  Snicker
  • 2. Twix
  • 3. Skittles
  • 4. Peanut M&M
  • 5. 100 Grand
  • 6. Candy Corn
  • 7.  Hershey Kisses
  • 8. KitKat
  • 9. Smarties
  • 10. Nerds

Also, here are the costumes I wore each year. At 4th grade I wore a Phantom costume. It had a black cloak, which obviously did not fit. It was really big for my size. It also had a scythe with the set. During 5th grade I wore the Jason Vohees costume. At 6th grade I wore the same Phantom costume, but with a Plague Doctor mask. People around me got freaked out, I don’t know why they would. For 7th grade I wore regular clothes, but with a twist! It had hacker mask. When I was about to leave someone’s porch, I always told them that I will be coming for their web history! For the latest one, which is the 8th grade, I dressed up as an Apocalypse Survivor. It had blood smeared across everywhere. On my mask, on my white shirt, on everything! Next year might be our last year for trick or treating. When I think of it, I am deeply sad. :, ( I think I have celebrated Halloween pretty well, and got all the gist of it. 

When was/will your last year of trick or treating be? What Costumes did you wear this year? Comment below, and leave a link to your blog!


  1. Birthdays/New Years

I listed these two together, because my birthday is on Jan 1st! On the New Year, it feels like everyone is celebrating my birthday. It feels so weird. Some of my aunts,uncles, and cousins came, and we eat cake! My parents and siblings ask me what I want for my gift. I usually don’t want anything, and so they get mad at me. I do want stuff, but at the same time I do . I just don’t want to ask for it. I guess it is an internal conflict. Is this only me, does a lot of people feel that way? Also, my mom makes my favourite food of all time, during Holiday seasons. She makes Chicken Korma with Pilau rice. One day I am going to learn how to make it for myself! Have you ever tried Korma?


  1. Christmas 

We are so close to Christmas, and I am so excited! Probably because of my santa hat! Usually on Christmas morning, we all are sleeping. Once, I even forgot it was Christmas. You know that everyone has a Christmas tree in their house. We don’t, because it won’t fit, even the small ones. Next year we are going to move to a bigger house, which is pretty neat. But I will be very sad, because I won’t see my neighborhood friends.: (   Why do some people make gingerbread houses, and never eat them? What do people eat during Christmas? I usually eat my favourite dish! I am excited that we might decorate our house next year! I don’t how it feels like, but I at least hope it will be fun! When I was in Bangladesh, I did not see a lot of people celebrating christmas. But when a relative went back, they noticed that some people do celebrate it. 

Someone please answer my questions, by leaving a comment, and a link to your blog! Thank you !

  1. Eid

My family and I celebrated it in Asia, but when we moved here. We did not celebrate that much. We don’t have a lot of family living in America, all of them live in Canada.  During the period of time I lived in Asia. We always went to my family members houses, and greeted all of them. The younger people usually get money from our elders or parents. When we arrived in my aunts house, we usually ate dates. Do you know what dates are? If you did then leave a comment below! If you did not, then let me tell you. It is a wrinkly looking fruit that tastes sweet, and like raison. When you first look at it, it looks like it has been dried, but it has not. It is just more fresh and ripe. At the end of the day, I still dislike date fruits. Have you ever eaten a date?  I wish my family members lived closer to me so I could see them during the holidays. 


Thank you for getting this far, and reading it.  I hope you enjoyed it! What do you eat during your Holidays? Do you go anywhere on the Holidays, I know I used to!  Leave a comment ,and a link to your blog please. Thank you!


Happy  Holidays folk! Wherever you are, i hope you are having a good time! : )

  • Risad

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